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It doesn't take a genius to figure that the would-be assassins probably picked the May 13 date to get a specific message across, perhaps something along the lines that the Church holds on to information that it ought to reveal. Of course, that's just my own personal opinion. But just as most Americans believe Oswald was not acting alone, many believe the 23-year old Turk, Mehmet Ali Agca, was also not acting alone when he tried to kill Pope John Paul II on May 13, 2000.


The other thing that makes no sense is if Pope John XXIII in 1960 knew from the contents of the envelope that the third prophecy was going to be an attempt on the life of John Paul II, why keep that information from the public until 2000 and/or from Pope John Paul II prior to 1981? And in terms of the former, wouldn't they have divulged the third prophecy after 1981 when the assassination attempt took place? It reminds me of Roswell. On the 50th anniversary of the Roswell crash, under pressure from the public, the Air Force released a statement (http://www.afmi1Jlib/roswelllindex.asp) entitled "The Roswell Report-- Case Closed" which stated something to the effect of "Okay, you are right, it wasn't a weather balloon, it was actually an experimental aircraft which contained anthropomorphic dummies"-- and what, you've been claiming "weather balloon" for 50 years to cover up "experimental aircraft, anthropomorphic dummies on board"? Again, give me a break.


I believe the messages the Virgin imparted at Fatima were for all of humanity, not just Pope John Paul II.


Of late, a drawing has been released (Celestial Secrets, The Hidden History of the Fatima Incident ) which is allegedly a more-true depiction by the children at Fatima and what they saw - here it is - and if true, this clearly looks more like an extra-terrestrial bearing a message, than the Virgin Mary we know:




























In the book, Stanford claims that the Virgin spoke of the Earth undergoing a necessary cleansing due to Man's inability to live the way he should, i.e., in harmony with the Earth and everything in it (Fatima Prophecy, p. 160-161).


Also, the Virgin Mary's appearance to four young girls in the rural village of San Sebastian, Spain (ironically, where my father was born), confirms a solar event ( ).


The event will involve the Sun and the Earth, wherein the Sun will start to behave funny and bombard the Earth with toxic stuff 114 and will cause many to die. Apparently, so toxic will be the environment that the sky will literally appear to be on fire. 115 I find this immensely interesting because, for anyone who saw Steven Spielberg's "Taken" and the interviews with the real people whose lives the miniseries was based on, one of the people interviewed was a woman who said that when she was a little girl, aliens showed up at her house and called her by name. They told her they needed to show her something outside. They told her something to the effect of "This could happen in your lifetime ... when the sky looks like this [sky looked like it was red and on fire], we will come for you and there won't be any time for you to think about it." 116 Again, not to beat a dead horse, but compare this information to the Russian astronaut’s information that a wave comes shooting out from the center of the Milky Way (where scientists have confirmed a black hole dwells) and the same affects our sun - that the sun may become a red giant and in turn bombard our planet. Enoch tells us in the Keys that this is actually part of the divine plan, and that in fact, our entire solar system will be moved from its present location. At this time, I also want to mention Lisa Lopes of TLC. In the DVD The Last Days of Left Eye, they mention how Lisa spent time in Guatemala with a shaman and about a dream or vision she had where she looked up and saw our sun and said, “If that is our sun, we are in trouble.” I believe that prior to her crossing to the Other Side of the Veil, she was privileged to witness a future event.


114 As stated earlier, Izapan priests who could see the future stated that our sun would come in contact with a "hole" (perhaps a black hole?) and that as a result, Jupiter and Venus would be affected and the moon would be spit upon. If the moon is "spit upon," perhaps this means it is bombarded by stuff, and the same event causes to turn into a great ball of fire which may come crashing toward Earth.


Revelation 6:13 states:


…And the stars of the Heavens fell upon the Earth, like a fig tree casting its figs, when it is shaken by a strong wind. Scientists now believe that Earth collided with another planet and that that is where our moon came from. So it would be weird to have the moon which was born of Earth come crashing back. The closest thing to this that I saw in a movie was the remake of ''The Time Machine," wherein Man had deviated the moon from its location and parts of it came crashing toward Earth, it was a freaky scene. It looked so real!


115 ''There will be three days of darkness ... colors and fires which shall come even in the skies and from the clouds. Then there shall be the final burst of energy .... Those who survive shall have fall upon their knees in repentance ... [and] will be aided by those would come from outside the Earth, and those of the White Brotherhood, and those of the angelic realms. It will be important that they should aid, for there will be the disposal of the bodies of from one-third to two-thirds of the Earth's population ... those that survive shall have been changed, even though they remain within their houses, where they must pray and meditate ... but they will forever be changed as bodies .... even the genetic pattern in many of these will be changed. A new race of man shall have begun." Fatima Prophecy, pp. 161-162. Compare with Cor. 15:51-52:


Behold, I shew you a mystery; we shall not all sleep but shall all be changed, in a movement, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump; for the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised, incorruptible, and we shall be changed.


I have emphasized the words above in bold because I feel that Man has been kept in the dark by the powers of darkness as to the direct relationship that each one of us can have with God, his messengers and all of his other creations, who are part of our cosmic family. Yes, you can keep shopping, going to work, doing whatever you do, waiting to be saved, but if you want to prepare and participate more than you are now in these events, I leave you with the information in this web site, in the hopes that more of us will be united in the light and in light activation for when the time comes and the trumpet of vibrational change is blown.


Job 38:31:


Canst thou Bind the Sweet Influences of Pleiades, or Loose the Bands of Orion?


116 In this regard, I read the following interesting account:


A good friend of mine in Montana whose grandmother just passed away last year, the last thing she said to him was "Make a place for yourself in the mountains because the air will become so hot down here," where they were at on a reservation, that it would be hard to breath. Put some things there that you can survive with. People are going to run to the mountains to survive and the Native people must be ready for this.


The Keys of Enoch state that Atlantis and other land masses will rise again and islands of light will be in place to gather the righteous in many parts of the world. And it's not just the Keys of Enoch that state this. Numerous individuals who have had near-death experiences ("NDEs") claim to have been shown many of these things by light beings.


The book Pole Shift aided me in understanding what an axial turn of the Earth would involve if it were to indeed occur. Basically, the way that you would know the Earth shifted on its axis is the Sun would rise and set super fast and you would wonder "Did I drink way too much last night or what the hell was that?" Following, depending on where you are, you may see severe and sudden climate changes, and complete darkness lasting several days. This is because precession would no longer be place.  Interestingly, the Hopi also have prophesied that:


"Turtle Island could turn over two or three times and the oceans could join hands and meet the sky." This seems to be a prophecy of a "pole shift"-- a flipping, of the planet on its axis. The Hopi call this imminent condition -- and that of society today - "Koyaanisqatsi", which means "world out of balance ... a state of life that calls for another way."126


* * *


... [T]he sun itself would rise one day not in the east but in the west…when…you see the sign of life reversed and tilted… you know that the Great Death is to come upon the earth, and now the Great Spirit will grab the earth again in His hand and shake it and this shaking will be worse than the first. 127


126 Waters, F. (1993) Book of the Hopi. New York, NY: Ballantine Books, Inc.


128 Mystery of the Crystal Skulls, p. 151.


This description totally coincides with what the Russian astronaut said. Red giant scorches the earth, and what happens to a red giant, it becomes a white dwarf, so no longer provides the heat it once did. So yes, fire, followed by cold. HOWEVER, this is all part of the new world of light, the age of the holy spirit. Aliens told guitarist Steve Vail the same thing. Here are a portion of Steve Vai’s Little Green Men lyrics:


We know ya came a long way

We hope that your ship is O.K.

We hope you’re gonna stick around

Maybe to save the day


You look - a real keen

Even though you are green

With those big large heads

Something off of the movie screen


Little Green Men, they look so funny

Funny green men I want one to have and to hold and to

Silly green men

Where do they come from?

Should we run away, should we start to pray

Or is it a movie that they’re filmin’?

Are the people on your planet

Usually in a frantic panic like they are here most of the time?

(Bla... I’m freakin’ out...)

Wait a minute you, is it true About Einstein’s theory and Darwin’s too?

What about war, the soul, the mind Love, Death, God, Divine?


Ladies and gentlemen of the world, it is my utmost privilege to announce to you that these Little Green Men actually do exist, for they are part of the eternal past and venture from all regions of our galaxy to find homage in our earth’s center. Governments of the world have been very good at concealing these little visitors and preparing the public with loving movies and pleasant melodies (ya see, like that one -- did ya hear that? -- yes). Controlled media has to cushion the impact of the arrival of our little friends. You see, throughout history many people have claimed to see strange lights in the sky.


…these enlightened aliens leave permanent imprinted information on the psyche of those chosen humans only to be revealed to our deteriorating planet at the point in which our civilization shall enter the new age of Light Without Heat…. We’re hoping that the human race will become part of endless time. We love you all and want you to know that in your heart and in your soul there is power bigger than the world.


(Emphasis added.)


Key 114:4 states, “Enoch told me that at this time the Higher Evolution will communicate knowledge to Man to prepare him for an exodus as the planet begins to experience geophysical upheavals and the release of neutral matter from the core of the sun.” Again, I tell you these things not to scare you, but rather, to prepare you for the world of light to come. Key 318 speaks of Metatron, discusses the electron in detail, and discusses changes to come before man’s graduation into fifth-dimensional space. Key 308:37 speaks of three different resurrections: Those two can unify all five bodies will be taken first (okay, that’s not me), those who possess only the physical and mental consciousness will be given a spiritual witness (that is me), those who are operating only with the physical vehicle (people whose entire daily existence revolves around their body, e.g., obsessed with food, drink and sex) will be given a physical witness at the end of time so when the chambers of the earth break open they may be prepared to be quickened. So in other words, no one will be left behind, there is a place for everyone, and you advance according to your level of understanding.


Changes in the sun were confirmed in February 14, 2014, in a newspaper article entitled: The 'gigantic hole' in the SUN that's firing solar material into space and was spotted by a spacecraft.





























By the way, if you are one of the people who gets 11:11 a lot, in interview with Kundalini Yoga Master, Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa she talks about how 11:11 represents a time of a great shift in consciousness and how the same was prophesied long ago - She is almost 70! Her Kundalini Yoga video is quite excellent, I found out about it via David Duchovny back when he was on X-Files.


The Aztecs believed that their own actions could have an effect on how long the life of our Sun would last, and they believed in sacrifice. However, it is documented that Queztalcoatl had taught their ancestors that killing was wrong. There are theories as to why they ignored this teaching and practiced human sacrifice. One view is that when taught that they should give their heart over to God, that they took the teaching as a literal one, and thought they needed to see blood run in order to achieve "sacrifice." The other is that after Queztalcoatl's departure, his opponent, Tezcatlipoca, came along and introduced killing and human sacrifice to them. Nevertheless, if we believe what the Spanish wrote, it was in the practice of sacrifice that the Spanish encountered the Aztec empire. There are those who believe that sacrifice wasn't really being practiced but that the Spanish had to make something up to explain their slaughter. What we do know for sure is that the Aztecs' information regarding the stars and their movement, etc., had obviously come down from ancient times and from their ancestors that they said came from the island known as "Atzlan." Whatever ancient records the Aztecs possessed were all burned by the Spanish:


We found great numbers of books ... but as they contained nothing but superstitions and falsehoods of the devil we burned them all, which the natives took most grievously, and which gave them great pain.129


That passage brings tears to my eyes because my books are like my children, I just can’t imagine!


But there are also accounts that state that Bishops made copies of some of the books, before they were burned, which is weird because if you really thought someone was super sick and of the devil, why would you take time to copy any of their stuff? How much sense does that make?



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