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Air traffic controllers in Siberia claim they were buzzed by a high-speed UFO with a female sounding alien who spoke in an unintelligible cat-like language.


Could it be that the ancient Egyptians revered Sekhmet as a literal being?  Sekhmet means "The Mighty One," depicted as  one of the most powerful Egyptian gods. She dished out divine punishment to the enemies of the gods and of the pharaoh. In this capacity she was known as the "Eye of Ra."


Who can forget the epi-sode “Assignment:  Earth” from the original Star Trek series?























































Daily Mail Reporter (March 3, 2011). Close encounters of the purred kind: Aliens spoke to us in a 'cat-like language' claim Russian flight controllers.


Trebor and Oempi, insect-like beings from a heavily wooded planet, appeared to Dutchman Robbert van den Broeke on September 10, 2012, and earlier in the summer of 2012 (




















A Dream


I have to relate a very real dream one night, like the kind where you swear you were there. I was with one of my sisters and my mother, and a voice told us something to the effect of'1his is the House of Experience" and the voice went on to relay that upon entering the house, we would experience the lives of three different families and what they had been through.


Prior to each experience, a tone rang, like a bell, but the tone differed depending on the story of the particular family. The only one I remembered or that stood out the most in my mind was one where the family had been brutally murdered, stabbed to death. It was just horrible, there was blood everywhere. The people then turned into horses, and the horses were on the floor, dead and bloody.


I love horses, and for me, it was particularly hard to see them that way, it was as if the image was meant to be as awful as possible for the message to sink in, it's as if it had been tailored just for me, in a way that I would understand it.


I heard the particular tone again, the one that signaled that family's story or experience, which caused me to yell out, ''Wait, wait, I really don't think I can experience that again, do I really have to go through it again?" and the voice said, ''No, this time it will be different."


The difference was that these golden swirls of light, like ribbons of golden light, came and swung around counterclockwise over the bodies of the dead horses, and when it happened, it's like all the blood, all the pain, all the yuck just was wiped away, it was as if it had never happened.


Then came a huge surprise, when the voice said, ''This is why my son was given to the world, as a gift. Make no mistake, these things, these horrible things, take place every day in the world. But my son was given so that people's souls won't have to be trapped in their pain and sorrow. It's because of him that a new beginning can take place, he makes everything anew, do you understand?" At that moment, I saw her, this woman, she looked like a Madonna, wearing an outfit similar to how the Virgin Mary is often depicted.  It was a trip because I am not Catholic or one to pray to the Virgin or whatever, so it just surprised me that she was the woman behind the voice.


At that point I understood that the ribbons of golden light were symbolic of Yeshua and that he was symbolic of the light, and of how that light has the power to make everything good again, and believe me, he and the light made that horrible dream or vision SO much more bearable because what had happened to that family was beyond horrible. But it was as if none of it had happened after the ribbons of light came and wiped everything clean, there was no more blood and not a trace of what had occurred.


I was so awake in that place, in that moment, that to this day I cannot bring myself to call it a "dream," I think it was like receiving a message on video/audio, it was crazy. I was so thankful for that moment, for the message, for the knowledge of liberation, of new beginnings.  Especially because when she was done speaking, I saw him in the comer of the room, standing, as if he had been there all along, listening in. But the way he looked was like he had a lot to do or a lot on his mind but had taken time out to make a brief appearance. It was an unforgettable moment.


The trippier part came a few years later when I was watching Merkabah: Voyage of a Star Seed, a video published by the Academy for Future Science's (founded by Dr. Hurtak, the same guy who received the info from Enoch),  and all of a sudden there is a scene where these golden ribbons of light come into the picture, swirling counterclockwise, and it was the exact same as in my dream, I mean it just took my breath away, I couldn't believe it.


Key 301:66 states:


And I learned much regarding the consciousness evolution of the Merkabah vehicles whose sole purpose is to turn all grief into great joy and liberation.


I now believe that is what I was shown in the dream.


In the future, Man will achieve his full potential and his light will be connected to the light of Christ, which is in turn connected to the throne of the Ancient of Days, and Man will become, according to the Keys of Enoch, a light-worker, and will be able to exist and operate multi-dimensionally outside of time, as we know it, and the Merkabah will be the light vehicle through which he will communicate with the many different species Man encounters. Perhaps this is why that one guy in New Mexico (as stated earlier) woke up after an alien encounter with the phrase, "Remember Merkabah" in his head.


Keys of Enoch, specifically 319:53-54:


I was shown how soul advancement would be speeded up prior to the return of Michael and Christ because of the miraculous outpouring of spiritual gifts. And the twelve vibratory pathways of the human body will be activated so completely that we will actively serve as the twelve tribes of the true spiritual Israel upon the face of the earth.


Key 319:51-52:


After this, I saw how Man was prepared for the physical landing of a delegation of interplanetary beings who explained how Man violated the Cosmic Law and was in need of a redefinition of Life.The delegation of interplanetary beings remained upon the earth for only a short period of time and then left the millions upon millions who either marveled at the wonder of the other worlds of intelligence or became resentful and chaotic because of the proclaimed return of Michael and Christ.


Consider now this MOST EXCELLENT revelation given in February, 2014, to Robbert van den Broeke by Neil Armstrong:


On the night between February 24-25, Robbert spontaneously felt the energy of Neil Armstrong. Simultaneously, he felt the urge to take photos as well.


Stan, who was also present, decided to do another photo experiment (i.e. filming the process of taking pictures). This time, by filming from two different angles in order to obtain a more powerful condition for providing evidence.


During this session, Neil Armstrong appeared in a photo twice….Neil told Robbert that now the time had come to share his secret. Robbert clearly heard the voice of Neil Armstrong in his head, saying: “I hereby swear by God, the bible and all sacred writings that exist, that now, in the name of God, I'm telling the truth.”


He communicated feeling obliged to prepare the people for extraterrestrial contact, and to tell them what really happened during his visit to the moon. He showed Robbert images while he spoke about it. Robbert saw a huge vehicle (which we would call a UFO) from which three beings emerged. The beings were pretty tall and had almond-shaped eyes. Their motorics vaguely resembled that of Africans [I I can’t help but think of Robert Bauval’s new book, Imhotep the African: Architect of the Cosmos , which I have yet to purchase an read!].


With his hand, one of the beings made a kind of halt gesture towards the crew of the lunar lander: “no further!” The being spoke in English and told them that it wasn't time yet to be there and that the people on earth first should learn to handle their planet in a good way. The beings explained that for the time being humanity wasn't welcome on the moon and that they (the beings) had come with a loving intent, as a kind of protectors.


They made it also clear that none of the future plans NASA had with the moon would be allowed to take place until humanity is progressively evolved in love. They said that the development of God-consciousness – the growing towards love – is a ripening process that yet needs to be continued before humanity is allowed to go further into the universe.


Armstrong told Robbert that he had always been pressured by NASA to keep this a secret, and that there were/are several other people on earth who were/are undergoing the same fate. NASA is afraid that otherwise panic would strike the world and wants to keep the research and knowledge to itself to exercise control over these unexplained matters due to fear of loss of power.


Neil told Robbert that NASA had plans to build a space station on the moon. The beings made it clear that this was absolutely not how things were meant to be and that it would not be allowed to happen. Neil also told Robbert that there are certain structures on the moon that are built by extraterrestrials who use the moon as a kind of way station, and that these structures were also used in a very distant past by extraterrestrials as well.


Neil explained that there are also structures at the bottom [south-pole] of the moon which Google Moon - influenced by higher authorities - has hidden away. Google Moon removed this section of of photographs of the moon and replaced or manipulated it in some way. There are also certain structures at the backside of the moon, according to Neil. Some of these are centuries old.


Robbert felt an emotion of liberation flow through Neil when he received this message from him - it was time to bring it out. Neil also indicated that we are more and more entering a period in which we will become mature enough for extraterrestrial contact. He said that there is a certain race of extraterrestrials who are preparing themselves for contact with humanity. They are planning to increasingly give signals in the foreseeable future. This time frame also represents a period in which people will increasingly meet the God-consciousness (awareness of love).


Another aspect of the near future will be that astronomers and people with telescopes will be able to see flashes or pulsating lights on the moon. UFOs are very active there, right now. The moon actually is a transmitter for UFOs who materialize themselves towards earth. It is also a transformer of energies that come from other planets which are then projected onto earth by it. Neil suggests that it will be beneficial for people to team up and do lunar meditations on a regular basis. That way, additional energy will be given and UFOs may become visible or encounters with extraterrestrials may take place. These extraterrestrials will show themselves, in the time coming, in their triangular craft. They look a lot like humans – they are the Yahyel. These beings then are different from the ones Neil met on the moon, but they are all working together closely. The Yahyel will be the first extraterrestrial race to make contact with humanity, within now and 15 to 25 years.


Neil greets all people in the loving exhalations of the universe.


The Hopi Native Americans state that:


Baha'i means "follower of the light," or the "people of Bah". We've been waiting for these people for a long time. They say they will bring a Teaching that will unite the earth. So we need to share this Teaching. They say the fire will come from the North. So here we are, in a circle, in the North, talking about the Bahnis, the "people of Bah," and the teachings of Baha'u'llah.


If you consider what Neil Armstrong said about the Yahyel beings, who are human in appearance, and come in the triangular UFOs, what the Hopi say makes sense - and I again want to post here the picture of this Hopi Kachina doll, which features what appear to be the triangular craft:













I am also reposting the composite of Antarel, the being Ricardo Gonzalez met in Peru, as well as a snapshot of the video footage taken in August, 2013, at Mt. Shasta, when Ricardo Gonzalez gathered up there with a group of people who came from all over and was able to contact Antarel and his friends, and they showed up.  Note the three ships on the left form a shape very similar to Orion’s belt, and the three and the one make a triangular shape also - compare with the appearance in Phoenix in 1997 known as "The Phoenix Lights":
















And if you watch the video again of the ones that appeared in Hollywood on July 8, 2012, you will see it again:


This web site is dedicated to all of the cats that the Catholic Church tortured and killed, and sought to kill during the time of The Inquisition and to all who sought to protect them during that horrible time.


Cats – Egyptians, a Pope, & the Middle Ages 30 Renowned Authors Inspired By Cats


“When a man loves cats, I am his friend and comrade, without further introduction.”


Mark Twain





















Gatto Nero










































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