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Something that is related to Mt. Shasta came to light.  In June, 2016, I was on Facebook and someone circulated an image of this one guy.  When I saw his face, I was like, "Oh yea, I know him."  It was like that feeling of familiarity.  I was convinced I had seen his image like in maybe the Book of Mormon or something.  So I texted my family and asked him if they recognized him, since they are primarily Mormon.  They replied saying that he looked like one of the characters in Lord of the Rings, the one character played by Orlando Bloom.  I was really shocked because I felt like he was like family, like for sure someone else would recognize him.  So I put it away.


Later in 2016 I was inviited by my most excellent friend Chuck to join a contact group on Facebook comprised of several people having contact with various beings, from feline-type beings to to insectoids.  I said sure.  One of the guys in the group circulated at video at some point that had the image of that same guy!  And I was like, "Wow, wait a minute, it's that same guy again!  Who is this guy?"  And I was shocked when one of them replied that he was supposed to be a priest who resides in Mt. Shasta!  Yea, mindblowing. 


Here is his  beautiful image:

























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