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I am almost speechless - just yesterday I emailed a friend of mine about how Aldebaran is the bull's fiery eye in the Taurus Constellation and I pondered how Antarel told Gonzalez they came from Alpha Centauri but now reside here on Earth and have bases in the Earth (including Peru) - when someone at Mt. Shasta asked Gonzalez what accent if any Antarel had, Gonzalez said Antarel sounds like a German speaking English when he speaks - I also pondered the other account of Antarel by Antonio Cerdan ( where he says that Antarel told him their ships were constructed in Aldebaran - I pondered the Vril women and why they were told by those beings who dictated stuff to them - in what Hitler's scholars said was Ancient Sumerian -that they were from Aldebaran - maybe the truth is that at one time they did come from Aldebaran, Alpha Centauri, Sirius, Orion, etc., but they are now here in the inner Earth and travel to space whenever they want - Antarel showed up in Crestone, Colorado this past September - so they are HERE - I don't think they are deceiving anyone, they probably came here aeons ago and have communicated with people on the surface of the planet when they choose to but then go back and are waiting for a time when humans will evolve sufficiently in order to engage in more meaningful contact - that time is our doorstep!




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