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Skeeter Welhouse


I contacted one of my friends who was at Mt. Shasta and I brought up Adama and asked her if by any chance she had heard of anyone else mention him.  It was crazy because she responded saying that her husband had received a message from Adama to give to Michael Salla, who was with Ricardo Gonzalez at Mt. Shasta in 2012 and I believe witnessed Gonzalez having contact.  This was just fascinating.  Since I couldn't remmeber having met Adama or having received any kind of message, I decided to contact Skeeter Welhouse.  I found out about Skeeter when she did a reading on a radio show for a friend of ours who is having contact in Utah and has taken some incredible photos of varoius beings.  When he called into the radio show, Skeeter floored him and everyone listening when she told this guy that she had felt a huge presence behind her and another guy on the show mentioned picking up on Metatron.  It was incredible.  And  she told him that she thought he was one of Metatron's angels, sent to Earth.  She even said that he should check his back because she wondered if there may be marks on this back where wings would be.  We know for sure he is having contact because he has taken incredible photos of various beings. 


Anyway, so I decided to contact Skeeter.  She said that Adama was saying that they have concluded that the best way to communicate with me is through dreams.  She said that I shouldn't ever compare my contact with someone else's or vice versa because everyone gets contacted in their own unique way, the waythat is best for them.  She said that I had had contact with them but in a way that I did not yet remember.  The most incredible thing was when she said something to the effect of ""You may not believe this but he is asking me to tell you that he is speaking to you from the microphone."  And  THAT was nuts because in September 2016, when we were at Shasta, that is what the beings told Gonzalez that Saturday night, that from the microphone inside the mountain in Peru, they would dictate our names to us.  One day I totally want to check out the microphone.   LOL.  Actually, the one thing I want to do is meet the wild cats that reside in the inner earth.  I haven't had a chance to ask yet, I haven't processed everything.  I Googled Adama and in Brazil, they say he resides in Agartha.  Agartha is the place where Corey Goode said he went to and he mentioned hearing that one wild cat roar and it scared him because he was like, "Where is it?" and that is the cat I want to meet.  It would be kind of trippy if I already did and don't remember.


I am not trying to rush it because I feel like all of this exists on a certain timeline or pace and you can't rush it.  I just have to accept that at some point I had a meeting with this incredible being, Adama, and that I don't recall what happened or what was said.  Maybe it's related to events that haven't happened yet.


I also need to share this phenomenal presentation by Linda Moulton Howe because in this presentation she covers the account of an experiencer who while at Aramu Uru near Lake Tticaca encounters a being who relayed to him that he was speaking to him from the microphone!!!!  And what this being told the experiencer and what Linda Howe discusses here matches what the Apunians have told Ricardo Gonzalez and Sixto Paz:


Before you complete discount the computer simulation idea, watch the video and also read this article:





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