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Mt. Shasta 2018


When a remote viewer reported on having visited a possible door at Mt. Shasta, I shared the video on Facebook.  I also I decided to contact him and ask him if by chance he could share with me the location of the door.  To my shock, in early March, 2018, he responded and told me that I was 1 in 4 people that he was sharing the information with and that he didn’t normally give the info out because it’s a sacred area.  He didn’t say why he was sharing it with me, but being that he is a remote viewer, I figured that he must have viewed me before giving the info out.  He said the area is sacred and to tread lightly and with much reverence when going to the location.  This remote viewer has an incredible energy and before the presidential election (Clinton v. Trump), I had attended a remote viewing course at this home.  When we were given the task of viewing the results of the election, I got two things:  complete blankness, followed by purple.  I had no idea what that meant.  After the election I concluded that the blank was me pickng up on the feeling of shock people experienced when the results came in and the purple was representative of his being elected.  We engaged in other remote viewing and it was fascinating because we were correct even though it didn't feel like we were viewing at the time.


In any event, I was having lunch at a café downstairs when shockingly, the next day after I had received the door location from the remote viewer, I received a message from Enrique Villanueva.  He told me that he had seen my post on Facebook and that after he had seen the video, he was pretty sure that that location matched a psychographic message from the beings showing him the location of a door at Mt. Shasta and he gave me his opinion as to where he thought the door might be located.  His description matched the location the remote viewer had imparted.  At that moment I inferred that that must be the reason the remote viewer shared the info with me, so that I could pass it on to Enrique, which would in essence verify for Enrique the info he had already received from the beings.  I had every intent on going to Shasta with Enrique, but unforseen circumstances prevented me from doing so.


However, the trip for Enrique was a HUGE success and that was an understatement.  I did not speak to anyone about the door until after Enrique posted a report.  Here is a link to his report, but make sure you log in to Facebook first and then paste the link:


Here is a short video Ricardo Gonzalez did on Mt. Shasta 2018 (log-in to Facebook first and then paste the link): 



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