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And what about Alexander the Great, King of Macedonia? The authors of Alexander The Great - Son of the Gods give an account at page 30 of an altercation that Alexander had with one of King Philip's men, the night King Philip was celebrating his marriage to the usual "younger woman," Cleopatra, whom Philip had given the honorary name, Eurydice. In any event, Alexander, already angry at Philip for leaving his mother, Olympias, got pissed off when Attalus invited all the Macedonians at the wedding reception to pray to the gods that the couple would soon produce a "legitimate heir." To this, Alexander replied, "So am I a bastard then?"


Legend has it that "Olympias felt herself impregnated by a thunderbolt as fire flooded her body before spreading out across the Earth, while Philip is said to have dreamed he had sealed her womb with the image of a lion." (Alexander the Great - Son of the Gods, p. 14.) Consider now, Alexander's trip to see the oracle (one of the many he visited throughout his life) of Siwa. Before he and his men can get there, a terrifying sand storm common to the area ensues, and then, seemingly out of nowhere, two black ravens miraculously appear, guiding them to safety. By the time Alexander visited that oracle, Philip had been assassinated. Alexander inquired of the oracle if the murder of his father [Philip] had been avenged to which "the high priest asked him to choose his words more carefully, for his [true] father was not a mortal." (Id. at p. 58, emphasis added.) This sequence of events is echoed in Zecharia Sitchin's Divine Encounters: A guide to visions, angels and other emissaries, pp. 161-163. Could the foregoing explain UFO activity which allegedly took place during a couple of Alexander's expeditions? In 329 BC, while crossing a river, Alexander and his men observed what was later recorded by both sides of the conflict as "gleaming silver shields in the sky" which swooped down and scared all the horses and men. (In Search of History, Ancient Aliens. The History Channel.) Seven years later, while attacking the Phoenician city of Tyre in the Eastern Mediterranean, the same "silver shields" appeared and one of them shot out a beam of light that knocked down one of the walls, allowing Alexander and his troops to take the City. (Id.) This seems like definite and clear intervention.


In July, 2012, light-orb UFOs appeared in the Los Angeles/Hollywood area and. One of in the end three remained in the formation of a triangle (one of the gentlemen on the video, when it was first posted, mentioned to his friend that before or at the time the craft appeared, a whole bunch of black crows had appeared and that he was tripping out about it). This reminded me of Alexander’s trip to see the oracle (one of the many he visited throughout his life) of Siwa. Before he and his men can get there, a terrifying sand storm common to the area ensues, and then, seemingly out of nowhere, two black ravens miraculously appear, guiding them to safety.


Here is a link to the UFOs that appeared in Los Angeles on July 8, 2012 (although unfortunately the dialogue about the crows was omitted):


Birds have magnetic crystals in their frontal lobes (Lost Star of Myth and Time, p. 185), so maybe humans have the potential to develop them also, and maybe said crystals, when formed, present, and activated, can emit light beams which might also connect them with new lines of communication. Think of it this way, when they first came out with a telephone line, people must have thought that was crazy. And now, with wireless communications, others might think that's crazy. It all seems crazy when it's new, until you find out how it works, and then it's just commonplace. Like a friend of mine said, in the future we will be able to communicate with the birds. Maybe this is what happened to St. Francis of Assisi. You can see the story of his life in the excellent movie, Brother Sun, Sister Moon:




Fildes, A., Fletcher, J. (2002). Alexander the Great - Son of the Gods. Los Angeles, CA: Getty Publications.

Sitchin, Z. (1995). Divine Encounters: A guide to visions, angels, and other emissaries. New York: Avon Books, an Imprint of HarperCollins Publishers.

Brother Sun, Sister Moon re the Life of St. Francis of Assisi





The reason you won't find the Book of Enoch and other scripture in the Bible is because, as early as 325 AD, beginning with the Council of Nicea, the collection of scripture circulating at the time was edited and compiled in the form of the Bible we know today. The reason for said rearrangements, omittals, etc., was so that religion could be implemented as an institution and/or business, if you will, which is where dogma comes in.


Emperor Constantine brought together more than 300 bishops from the farthest boundaries of the Roman Empire for the first ecumenical council at Nicea in order to create a union between Church and State. Deletions and additions to existing Church gospel were agreed upon at said council. The Church got rid of a vast depository of ancient knowledge contained in the Alexandrian library which the Church Fathers and Constantine felt would contradict the Nicean decree that Yeshua was "the only begotten son of God." Scriptures detailing the life of Yeshua between the ages of 12 and 30 were omitted. That's why in the Bible, you read about the young Yeshua, and then suddenly he's in his 30s.


This manipulation of material allowed the Church to keep people in the dark about the extent of the connection they have with God, and put the Church in the position it wanted to be in, analogous to the guys who were charging for air on Mars in the movie "Total Recall" with Arnold Schwartznegger. If you haven't seen the movie, then you won't know what I mean, but the gist of it is that men in power did not want people living on Mars to find out air was freely available to everyone. This allowed them to charge money for the air, get rich, and keep control over the air and thus the people. Kuwato, my favorite character in the movie, wanted Schwartznegger to free Mars and if I could time travel back to the 1800s, I would definitely give Tesla that movie as a gift.


The discovery in 1947 of scrolls in caves by the Dead Sea at Qumran (The Dead Sea Scrolls and also of 13 ancient leather-bound books, also known as codices (The Nag Hammadi Library, discovered in 1945 in Upper Egypt), allowed humanity to get their hands on previously lost or unknown Christian sacred writings, described as "Gnostic" in character.


The study of languages, ancient or otherwise, could alone be a life-long pursuit with no end in sight. For example, I never knew that when Egyptian is written with the Greek alphabet (plus a few letters for sounds Greeks did not make), it is known as Coptic. The Nag Hammadi Library is written in two Coptic dialects. Coptic developed in Egypt when Christinanity came into the region. Coptic apparently played an important role in early Christianity in Egypt, as it was the medium for the translation of biblical texts. Coptic continued to be used as the language of the Christian inhabitants of Egypt long after the Arab invasion in the 7th century AD, when Arabic became the official language of the country.


However, conspiracy theorists opine that not all of the information found has been released and that some of the scrolls remain under serious lock and key. I have no way of proving this is true, but it wouldn't surprise me given that the sentiment among people in power is usually the same, i.e., knowledge is power. Thus, if you keep it hidden and disseminate it at your leisure, you can make money while you do so, and control what could otherwise be freely available.


People in power justify this by saying that "if people knew the truth, they would panic and pandemonium would ensue" but frankly, I don't believe keeping people shopping and taking pills every other minute is constructive. The reality is that the people in power want to keep people medicated and operating within The Matrix.


If they aired a commercial on TV disseminating the information that is kept from people to allegedly prevent them from panicking as often as they air pill or cream commercials, even my cat would have gotten out of The Matrix by now.


In any event, the fact is that Yeshua traveled to India, the land of Rama, Krishna and Buddah. Again, those 18 years are unaccounted for in the Bible that most people read. India flourished over 5,000 years ago and possesses ancient scriptures known as the Vedas and Upanishads. In India, the lives of holy men are revered and preserved in ancient texts and documents. Scrolls archived in an ancient Tibetan monastery in an ancient language known as Poly were later translated to Tibetan, and the same contain a historical account of Yeshua's journey to India. The original Poly scrolls were in the library of La Hassa where the Dalai Lama resided. Note the similarity between "Iesus" and "Issa," the name he was known by in India.


They called him St. Issa. It is said the wise men who paid him homage at the time of his birth were from there, and Yeshua wanted to pay them and their people a visit.


Northeast, along the trans-Himalayan range in the India-China border of what was once Tibet, is Leh, the capital of Ladakh, an ancient city lying in the Indus River Valley, high in the Kashmir region of India. This is where, Nicolas Notovich, a Russian traveler, found himself asking to see the scrolls depicting the life of St. Issa, which he had heard existed.


Story has it that when he asked to see the scrolls, the head Lama refused, saying "perhaps some other time." As Notovich was leaving, his means of transport, the donkey, fell, and Notovich broke his leg. Perhaps that was an omen to the Lama who then allowed Notovich access to the scrolls, while the latter recuperated from his broken leg. The scrolls place Issa with the Jains and their temples at the age of 14, where he stayed for six years and learned the Vedas.


Issa is said to have become a Master Yogi and possessed the following 16 qualities known to an Avatar: I) control over 5 physical aspects of the body, 2) control over the 5 senses, 3) control over the 5 elements of nature, and 4) Omniscience, an inherent quality in the descent of that soul into the material plane. You can read about Master Yogis and their incredible abilities in Paramahansa Yogananda’s incredible book Autobiography of a Yogi.


By way of summary, the creative energy of life resides in each individual coiled at the base of the spine. When properly activated, it rises, traveling upward, activating the 7 centers of energy as it does so (Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa explains this in her excellent Kundalini Yoga DVD). These energy centers are known as chakras, and they are as follows: 1) root (base of spine), 2) sacral (sacrum), naval (solar plexus), 4) heart (heart), 5) throat (throat), 6) brow (third eye), 7) and crown (top of head).


Issa is said to have learned the sutra scrolls and mastered the teachings of Buddha. It is said that in Issa dwelt the soul of the universe and he is known to have preached, "Do not believe yourselves superior to others" and emphasized the familiar "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."


The highest Hindu scholars resided in Benares at that time, and both Hinduism and Buddism are said to have been in their heyday when Issa visited there. Benares is said to be such a holy place that if you die there, your soul will be liberated from having to reincarnate on this planet. Apparently early scriptures taught reincarnation and orthodox Jews still believe in it. Interestingly, the Keys of Enoch state that the work of the fallen angels is what caused Man to be stuck in the karmic cycle of birth and rebirth and that such a cycle is not what The Ancient of Days intended for man. This revelation in the Keys of Enoch for me has become a bridge for the two divergent points of view existent in our society, that 1) reincarnation exists, and 2) that according to Christians, it doesn’t. It appears then that both are true, Christ does exist and there is also reincarnation - they do not have to be mutually exclusive.


Key 318:62 states:


However, there are some rulers [aka Watchers] who do not want to give their Light to the lower heavens and the lower regions [us] … in fear that the lower creations [us] would seek their level [Ye Are Gods is what Yeshua says in the Bible - John 10:34-36; Psalms 82:1-6], and their power would be diminished so that their own rulership could not be sustained [the Watchers got hooked on a feeling of power, and instead of helping us, they enslaved us in a cycle of karmic rebirth, with only minimal progress and much repetition].


The poly scrolls also said that at the age of 26, St. Issa he traveled to Persia, Athens and finally Egypt, before returning to Palestine at the age of 29. Not only did God tell Joseph in a dream that he should take the young Yeshua and his mother to flee Herod's plan of destruction (Matt 2: 13), but Yeshua went to Egypt to be instructed prior to returning to Jerusalem to be crucified. The Lost Years of Jesus.


The scrolls said that caravans traveling to the East later brought news of St. Issa's crucifiction. Following the Council of Nicea in 325 AD, further councils continued to amend and tamper with the original scriptures and Church doctrine. In 364 AD, the Council of Laodicea in Phrygia Pacatiana, also made up of early Church Fathers, met to further determine what else to keep and not keep as part of the Bible that we know today.


The Book of Nephi in the Book of Mormon recounts Yeshua's visit to the Americas after he was crucified.


Apparently early scriptures taught reincarnation and orthodox Jews still believe in it.


At this juncture, I would also like to mention that ER physician, Robert Beckstead, believes reincarnation is "eloquently embedded" in the writings of Joseph Smith. At a Sunstone Symposium in Salt Lake City, Beckstead, using a slide projector, proposed that the LDS doctrines of premortal existence and eternal progression, which Smith taught to trusted followers after 1841, are really about reincarnation.


Beckstead states that Alexander Neibaur, great grandfather of revered LDS scholar Hugh Nibley, was a Jewish convert to Mormon church, and “an ardent student of the Kabbalah, a body of mystical teachings based on an esoteric reading of Hebrew Scriptures.... Kabbalah teaches that souls in the afterlife 'must commence another [life], a third, and so forth' in order to obtain the perfection 'that allows them to associate again with God.'”


Beckstead states that Smith may have gained understanding about reincarnation from meetings with Neibaur. But wouldn't Smith know if reincarnation was central to his own revelations? “Not necessarily,” says Beckstead, quoting Brigham Young University anthropologist John Clark, who "suggested in a recent symposium at the Smithsonian Library that Joseph Smith was the translator, not the author, of the Book of Mormon, and consequently 'did not fully understand' its contents."


The physician also states that in April 1843, Smith taught that "the purpose of successive probations or 'worlds' was to permit the gradual accumulation of intelligence and knowledge... Mary Elizabeth Rollins, who wed Joseph in February 1842, claimed that he suggested to her they had an intimate relationship before they met." Beckley further believes that Smith may have come to understand in his meetings with Neibaur that, like the Zohar, the Book of Mormon, aside of being a historical record of a migration from Jews to the Americas, was also a text dealing with reincarnation, and that the Zohar could have become "the mirror in which Joseph Smith finally understood reincarnation in the Book of Mormon."


If Smith did believe in the reincarnation of souls, why is there no evidence of it in the present teachings of the church? If you believe Beckstead, Smith's successor, Brigham Young, "fundamentally misunderstood" Smith’s reincarnation theology, dismissing it from church doctrine. However, on occasion, according to Beckley, Smith's early teachings have found support among LDS leaders, e.g., like in an article which appeared in “Improvement Era,” in 1919, wherein Orson F. Whitney, apparently expressed his disappointment that reincarnation wasn't taught as church doctrine.


The Salt Lake Tribune (July 30, 2005 by Leon D'Souza). Room for reincarnation in LDS theology? Published July 30, 2005 (yes folks, another 7 and 3 AND if you had 2005, you get a 7)


Interestingly, the Keys of Enoch state that the work of the fallen angels is what caused Man to be stuck in the karmic cycle of birth and rebirth and that such a cycle is not what The Ancient of Days intended for Man. This revelation in the Keys of Enoch for me has become a bridge for the two divergent points of view existent in our society, that 1) reincarnation exists, and 2) Christians do not espouse to it. It appears then that both are true, reincarnation is currently in place but Man will be liberated by God from the karmic cycle of rebirth. Indeed, Key 318:62 states:


However, there are some rulers [aka Watchers] who do not want to give their Light to the lower heavens and the lower regions [us] … in fear that the lower creations [us] would seek their level [Ye Are Gods is what Yeshua says in the Bible - John 10:34-36; Psalms 82:1-6], and their power would be diminished so that their own rulership could not be sustained [the Watchers got hooked on a feeling of power, and instead of helping us, they enslaved us in a cycle of karmic rebirth, with only minimal progress and much repetition].



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