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 1) Coffee Cup image my niece randomly sent me on August 13, which may have been a precognition of Adama's appearance on August 20; 2) the Beautiful Adama; 3) the image I saw when I arrived on August 19, which looked like an eye looking at me and I felt, "Do you remember we have been friends for a long time? " and I felt like they were showing me that multitudes would come to Shasta in the future and that I was to welcome them; 4) image of what looked like a wolf turning towar).d a pyramid.  I am NOW thinking that that was an image of the Husky that wanted to stay with Heidi Fuentes.  My own interpretation is she is either an Egyptian princess or the Husky knew that she is part of the building the capstone of light (the Keys of Enoch say the people of God collectively comprise the capstone on the Great Pyramid in Egypt).  














































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