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Mt. Shasta 2017


This was my fourth year joining Ricardo Gonzalez and his beautiful wife Sol Sanfelice at Mt. Shasta, where many gathered for love, peace, knowledge and commitment to continue on the road ... what road?  The one that seeks to solve problems through education, tolerance and cooperation, rather than war and hatred.  We were told by our friends from the cosmos last week that they would appear on Saturday night, 08.19.17, and indeed they did.  They had sent Grant Cameron a message via Ricardo Gonzalez that they were aware he and Paola Leopizzi Harris were coming to the mountain.  At 09:33 pm, they appeared far up in the sky and we saw intense flashes of blue light, with one particularly intense flash.  They sent messages to Paola and Grant and everyone via Ricardo, which he will soon post in both English and Spanish.  I recall part of the message saying that the work by Paola and Grant would lead to more research in the field and that eventually Grant would meet them and that he was already aware of this.  This relationship is a process.  Understanding their history and why they are here is also a process and takes study.  Every year I learn an additional piece of the puzzle.  Sometime between 09:00-09:30 pm, as we were meditating, I sensed a female energy and I saw an eye, but it was odd, it was like larger than our eyes, I don't know how to describe it, and it had this golden color to it.  It was like a light brown with gold.  And I had this feeling like someone saying, "We had a world" and that "We were once like you" and this overwhelming sadness came over me, a sense of loss.  Like when an older sibling or mentor or friend comes to comfort you with wisdom, it was like that.  And I just couldn't hold back the tears when I felt this.  On Sunday I was shocked when Ricardo relayed that they made a mistake on their world.  They were conducting experiments and the core of their planet became unstable as a result of these experiments (probably like the ones CERN is conducting on this planet now) and all the water drained out or dried up or something to that effect and when I heard him say this once again this uncontrollable sense of grief overwhelmed me.  They didn't know that would happen.  They had to leave their home and look for another one and eventually they ended up on Apu in Alpha Centauri.  It appears they are here trying to monitor what we are doing but they cannot interfere with our free will.  In other words, they can offer a warning but they cannot stop us from doing something.  I am not sure, it's a paradox.  But if the time were to ever come, apparently they will offer to help us and they are I presume preparing us for contact.  I am still studying.  This is a work in progress.  I am humbled and grateful to be part of this work.  We always connect with so many people when we gather at Mt. Shasta but these events involve all of humanity.  Please love whomever you can while you still can.  They have been here for so long and have called this planet home and yet I am so sad for them because they still remember their world as it was before those big mistakes were made.  And now all they have is a holographic archive which they shared with Ricardo Gonzalez.  They are so advanced they were able to holographically place him there and to him, one minute he was in the desert in Atacama, Chile, and the next step put him in their world as it was.  For all I know what we perceive as our world is also someone else's holographic projection.  Sending love and peace to all. 

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